Buchheit Logistics provides our customers with quality transportation solutions, as they have always been granted since our beginning in 1934.
Our four fleets at a glance –
End Dumps • Hopper Bottoms
Dry Vans
We can handle any and all of your transportation needs.
Fleets of lightweight, 39’ square and round bottom End Dumps and 40’ late model lightweight Hopper Bottoms are poised to take care of all your agricultural and industrial needs.
53’comfort ride Dry Vans, with fuel-efficient aerodynamic side fairings, are committed to getting finished goods and dry freight to your intended user in a worry-free fashion.
Combining the latest model fleets of trucks and trailers, with our highly trained maintenance staff and our courteous, award-winning drivers, we can cover your needs anywhere in the 48 contiguous states and in parts of Canada. Buchheit Logistics has the power to get you there.
Buchheit Logistics is able to call upon over 1000 tractor-trailers, thanks to a vast network of partner carriers, to seamlessly handle fluctuating demands of your production schedules, as well as any unique shipping lane requirements.
Call today and let us design a customized freight solution to fit your needs and take you miles beyond expectations.
Buchheit Logistics takes pride in the following facts

By year-end, the average age of the Buchheit Logistics fleet is on track to be less than 2.5 years old. The industry average is 3.9 – giving our fleet a 56% advantage in comparison to the industry average.

Fleet tires- we don’t take this lightly. Our fleet rides on some of the most fuel-efficient, psi equipped tires in the industry, giving you a competitive advantage when it comes to moving your load from point A to B.

Buchheit Logistics has a dedicated, full-time team to service our fleet on a regular schedule. Maintaining the fleet at its optimum level keeps the company competitive and our drivers safer on the road.
Superior Logistics by design.